Friday, April 29, 2005

News 1

Hello all.

Well, the infamous show-down between creationists and evolutionists that was due to unfold today was postponed if not cancelled, due to the absence of our beloved teacher Lesley Cooper. Though i had a good plan for the day (ie: let the others dig themselves into the ground, that means you, Simon), it was all laid to waste. So, instead, i had a chat about the class with a friend before he went off to drink for the weekend, i went board shopping in Stockholm and found a nice almost rodney mullen bowling board () , but im leaning towards a zero skull() more right now, though these euro board prices are a joke, and on the way back up i had a discussion with a friend on evolution and Christianity, and some new age person explained to me how the mind is in every cell in your body. Sweet.

I also got some new pics of my über friends and me skateboarding, so i'll give a bit of space to those pics after this.

Remember, my birthday is this monday, and i want cash.

peace dudes.


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