Wowza, i haven't been so stoked for a movie in a while... Much thanks to Erik for linking me the trailer!

(Right click, Save Target/Link As if you would like to save to your computer, or just click up above to enjoy the trailer)
I've been reading all about the underlying history to the movie (THIS is what history is about! Witty retorts and obliterations of armies!), and it is fascinating. Sparta kicks butt!
Be sure to check out 300themovie.com for more info.

(Right click, Save Target/Link As if you would like to save to your computer, or just click up above to enjoy the trailer)
I've been reading all about the underlying history to the movie (THIS is what history is about! Witty retorts and obliterations of armies!), and it is fascinating. Sparta kicks butt!
Be sure to check out 300themovie.com for more info.
Hey, I can't view that clip, cos of something with my PC but what what's the movie all about? And can I ask you a totally random question? Would it be possible for you to translate a thank you note that's much more than just "Tack so mikka" from English to Swedish for me? Pretty please?
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