Sarkozy : Président
Yeah, so as you guys have probably already seen, Sarkozy is now le Président de la République.
Personally, I think it's great. He was my pick all along, because he realizes that France NEEDS social reform, and he has the will power to push it through. He does have some shady, or at least hardline, policies on immigration, though that in and of itself is not a bad thing. France does a big illegal immigration problem. But his stance on bringing back competition to the work place to jump start the French people and the economy is exactly what France needs. Also, he's pro American, in the sense that he realizes that being antagonistic with the USA is not necessarily always the right way to go.
My older sister, Claire, has compared the other French candidate, Ségolène Royal, to cotton candy. She's pretty to look at, pretty sweet and appealing, but in the end, it's just air: no real content or substance. I agree completely, and I'm glad that the French people chose en masse to vote for the guy who will actually do something, rather than choose new window decorations and give France a manicure when it needs to get its hands dirty.
What is most surprising about the whole thing, is the reaction of the lefties to the DEMOCRATIC, UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE result. If you guys speak french, head over to my older sister's blog and read what she had to go through the night of the election.
To paraphrase, after the election, she strolled around Lyon, when a huge riot broke out, breaking stuff (a McDonald's was one of the targets. How... "symbolic". Way to go. Street cred for revolution +1!). My sister got tear gassed because she got a lil bit too close to the manif. She then had the pleasure of speaking to a woman so far up her own rectum that she didn't even realize the blatant irony and hypocrisy of her situation.
The lady essentially was harping on the anti-riot police about how these policemen represent the France that she doesn't believe in, not the France she voted for, as if, somehow, Sarkozy had already managed to make an executive order within hours of the election results to turn France into a military autocracy. The sheer stupidity of the woman appalls me. She was insulting the cops for them DOING THEIR JOBS! Mam', meet me in the next paragraph.
Seriously, what the heck do you have in your misconstrued, barely functioning brain? Allow me to point out to you, that those who voted Sarkozy, are NOT the ones burning, breaking, throwing and destroying France at that particular moment in time. YOUR political slant is the one destroying the country, claiming anarchy, too immature and too self righteous to accept the fact that a democratic election yielded a decision from the French population. If YOU can't handle that, go to China and enjoy your communist dream. What is democracy, simply accepting the will of the people when it suits you, burning stuff when it doesn't? If you even start arguing percentage points, I wonder where you got off on the intellectual thought train, my guess is you got hit by the train at the first station.
Now to another "rebelle". Look at this quotation from a rioter:
"C'est un truc global, lance Laura, une radicale. On est bien d'accord pour dire que la démocratie qui amène ce genre de catastrophe, on chie dessus !»"
(It's a global thing, throws Laura, a radical [ha!]. We're all agreed in saying that democracy that brings this type of catastrophe, we shit on it!)
THESE people are the ones claiming to represent the greater population, and the greater good. This is the most retarded thing ever. I sometimes fear for our entire generation, when did logic dissapear?
Don't you guys dare even bask in the glory when France becomes relevant again. It won't be your doing.
"La France, bastion de la démocratie!... Du moment qu'elle est d'accord avec moi!"
Personally, I think it's great. He was my pick all along, because he realizes that France NEEDS social reform, and he has the will power to push it through. He does have some shady, or at least hardline, policies on immigration, though that in and of itself is not a bad thing. France does a big illegal immigration problem. But his stance on bringing back competition to the work place to jump start the French people and the economy is exactly what France needs. Also, he's pro American, in the sense that he realizes that being antagonistic with the USA is not necessarily always the right way to go.
My older sister, Claire, has compared the other French candidate, Ségolène Royal, to cotton candy. She's pretty to look at, pretty sweet and appealing, but in the end, it's just air: no real content or substance. I agree completely, and I'm glad that the French people chose en masse to vote for the guy who will actually do something, rather than choose new window decorations and give France a manicure when it needs to get its hands dirty.
What is most surprising about the whole thing, is the reaction of the lefties to the DEMOCRATIC, UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE result. If you guys speak french, head over to my older sister's blog and read what she had to go through the night of the election.
To paraphrase, after the election, she strolled around Lyon, when a huge riot broke out, breaking stuff (a McDonald's was one of the targets. How... "symbolic". Way to go. Street cred for revolution +1!). My sister got tear gassed because she got a lil bit too close to the manif. She then had the pleasure of speaking to a woman so far up her own rectum that she didn't even realize the blatant irony and hypocrisy of her situation.
The lady essentially was harping on the anti-riot police about how these policemen represent the France that she doesn't believe in, not the France she voted for, as if, somehow, Sarkozy had already managed to make an executive order within hours of the election results to turn France into a military autocracy. The sheer stupidity of the woman appalls me. She was insulting the cops for them DOING THEIR JOBS! Mam', meet me in the next paragraph.
Seriously, what the heck do you have in your misconstrued, barely functioning brain? Allow me to point out to you, that those who voted Sarkozy, are NOT the ones burning, breaking, throwing and destroying France at that particular moment in time. YOUR political slant is the one destroying the country, claiming anarchy, too immature and too self righteous to accept the fact that a democratic election yielded a decision from the French population. If YOU can't handle that, go to China and enjoy your communist dream. What is democracy, simply accepting the will of the people when it suits you, burning stuff when it doesn't? If you even start arguing percentage points, I wonder where you got off on the intellectual thought train, my guess is you got hit by the train at the first station.
Now to another "rebelle". Look at this quotation from a rioter:
"C'est un truc global, lance Laura, une radicale. On est bien d'accord pour dire que la démocratie qui amène ce genre de catastrophe, on chie dessus !»"
(It's a global thing, throws Laura, a radical [ha!]. We're all agreed in saying that democracy that brings this type of catastrophe, we shit on it!)
THESE people are the ones claiming to represent the greater population, and the greater good. This is the most retarded thing ever. I sometimes fear for our entire generation, when did logic dissapear?
Don't you guys dare even bask in the glory when France becomes relevant again. It won't be your doing.
"La France, bastion de la démocratie!... Du moment qu'elle est d'accord avec moi!"
Anarchists were never known for their levelheadedness anyway.
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